Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Heraklion region in the spring

91. Indian Peafowl (or Blue Peafowl)

The male is called a peacock and this particular is a male. 
Seen at the Palace of Knossos in Heraklion. It has lived there for a really long time. 

As you can see, the Prince of Lilies in this painting at the Palace is wearing the peacock's predecessors' feathers on his head. 

The "Blue Birds of Knossos" is also believed to be a painting of peacocks that dates back to the 1500BC.

90. Eurasian Collared Dove

Very common doves all around Greece. Their scientific name (Streptopelia decaocto) is said to come from their very distictive call which sounds like "deca-octo" which is the number 18 in latin. There is also a  greek myth behind their name.

Pictures: May-June 2016